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This site is for film and tv producers, screenwriters and everyone who wants to collaborate for the treatment of stories. They are welcome, I am looking for partnerships to work together.

This story of a cold and calculating young man. He bribed the employee of a large company to learn about his customs.

The Decree.

The Decree

John, 30, has lived alone since he was 20 year old, when he lost his parents.  Arrested for the second time for the same reason, illegal practice of  medicine, because  through advertisements on the internet as if he were  a plastic surgeon, he managed to set up a high-end clinic.

In prison, he befriends Roger and the two plan an escape and go to a  house in the countryside that John  boughtand  the justice had not discovered.

With the help of his cellmate, Roger after having Plastic surgery, he looked like the President of a large company, Mr. Deny, this was a plan that John had been waiting for.

Although he has since recovered from  the scars, John never took the  band of face off his  so that Roger would  not identify he.

Roger always went out in the early hours of the morning and one night he decided to go to a nightclub where the fans always fought over  and  that’s how he was murdered.

Now John is comfortable putting his plan into practice and decides to go to the company as if he were the owner, Mr Deny.

Many situations happen within the company provoked by John.

I didn’t write about   the main characters, the conflict they    face, time and place of the story, the each  one, character determination,  identity of   most striking characteristics,because it`s would be too long.  

Also the story can be written in another way, I would love   partnership.

I have the full story if you’re interestedI , or if you rather write it another way. Make yourself comfortable. I would love have partners.

Thanks very much.

Mrs. Lyn's secret diary

This story of a woman whose partner abandoned her son in a forest, but she never gave up hope of finding him.

The secret diary of Lady Lin

Lady Lin, a highly educated 20-year-old woman, lived in a poor village and worked selling coffee in the city center to support her 8-year-old son.

The father of her child disappeared. Lady met 30-year-old George, who also worked on the street playing guitar. They decide to live together, but George did not like Lady’s son, and one day he did not go to work because he had already planned to disappear with the boy.

With the help of a friend they abandoned the boy who was sleeping, in a forest. When they were returning home, George felt a pain in his leg, some insect had bitten

Upon learning that her son had disappeared, Lady was desperate, but believed George, who cried and said he was sleeping and did not see the boy leave.

A few days later he became very ill and died.
Lady, very sad about the events, was still working when she crossed the street without realizing it and a car ran her over. It was Liam’s car that was on its way to the church your bride was waiting.
Immediately he put her in the car and went to the hospital.

In the church everyone commented on why the groom had not appeared., Liam stayed in the hospital waiting for Lady to be seen because there was a fatal attraction between them.

They married and Lady was very happy, but she did not forget the disappearance of her son, because a neighbor sang to her after George died, that he had gone out with her son along with another man .

Lady wrote everything in her diary, and one day forgetting it on a desk while going to the gym, Liam read her story.
Saying he was going on a trip, he went to look for his son.

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